Case Study - SLAPP in Croatia

Croatia has been recognized as one of the EU member states with the highest number of cases with significant SLAPP elements. There is a large recorded number of such cases, especially ones involving serial plaintiffs, who bring lawsuits against different defendants for their participation in matters of public interest, even when the information in question is true, based on facts, well investigated and balanced.

One such group of cases that have been internationally recognized as SLAPP is the series of actions brought by Croatian Radio Television (HRT), a public broadcaster, against Hrvoje Zovko, their employee of twenty years and the president of the Croatian Journalists Association.

This group of cases was chosen for this case study, since they clearly show not only the intent of the plaintiff, but also the consequences of SLAPP litigation for the life of SLAPP targets and their families, and for freedom of expression. No less important, the chosen case(s) for this analysis shows how proper response and existing support system can make it at least somewhat easier for the victims to live through the proceedings.


Anti-SLAPP Curriculum - Cyprus (στα ελληνικα)


Anti-SLAPP Curriculum - Germany (slides)